10 september 2023. Bandjesavond in Zaal 100. Met optredens van: Great Joy, Wounded Kite, GDVRDGVR en Showdog!
Categorie: gigs
We’re playing @ Patronaat Haarlem!
June 3th,
gig: noordoogst, sat sept 5th, 14:30
Noordoogst is a stadslandbouwproject (agricultural city project) in Amsterdam Noord. They open up all sides of the project to the public on saturday september 5th. They organise all kinds of activities, including… music! We play at 14:30. Meteorenweg 272, Amsterdam. Free entry.
gig: instore @ Concerto!
When? August 29th, 1600PM…Where? Concerto, Utrechtsestraat 52-60 Amsterdam